As part of our AS Media Course, we had to produce a film opening to a genre of our choice with assigned group members. My group concluded of me and another girl called Simron Chana.
Together we decided to base our opening on a horrow movie after a brainstorm of different ideas as shown below :
From these ideas,we each picked an option we were keen on and presented our ideas of what we would include if we were to an opening based on that specific genre, a vote was taken and from that we concluded Horror as our final idea.
This genre became more apprealing after ideas where put across and various openings had crossed our minds. Most of our research was based on watching Movie clips on the Youtube website to get a clear idea and understanding of the conventions of a horror movie opening.
From these clips we learnt of ideas we should be including in our own opening.
Although we had already chosen our choice of genre, we had to find out if the movie would be a hit with young adults, so we gathered up survey questions and handed out questionnaires to the upper sixth form who were either turning 18 or older.
This gave us an idea of how many times they went to a movie and what kind of horror movies they were into, e.g slash / supernatural etc.
This Question alone helped us get a better insight to the interests of our peers and older students, who pay to go to the cinema's. If they're more likely to pay to go watch a slash horror, then they're more likely to enjoy our film opening if it's based on a similar type of movie.

Our Storyboard of how we wanted the opening to look like:

This was the plan we used to help us film, however some parts weren't included in our final trailor either because the shots didn't come out the way we expected or we weren't able to film those specific parts.
We did try though, to keep to this storyboard for the final outcome.